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Technical Support


Pharmacist's CompanionäSubscription 

Apothacare's Technical Support staff can be reached from Monday through Friday, 8 to 4 pm pacific standard time, by a variety of means. If immediate assistance is needed, the toll-free number 888-298-2156 will put you in touch with someone right away. Otherwise, there are other options available:

Green_Ball.gif (257 bytes)Send an e-mail message to support@apothacare.com and detail the question or the problem you have. Include your name, phone number and e-mail address and someone from Tech Support will respond as quickly as possible.

Green_Ball.gif (257 bytes)Fax your question or problem to us. Be as detailed as possible. Apothacare's fax number is 866-593-6595.

The various means of contacting Apothacare are also listed in Pharmacist's Companion™, on the Help menu, under the Support item.

I can't remember my ApothLineÔ password or if you  have not logged on since August 16. 2008.

Green_Ball.gif (257 bytes)Send an e-mail message to support@apothacare.com and ask for your password to be reset.  Include your name, phone number and e-mail address and someone from Tech Support will respond as quickly as possible.

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